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Section: Research Program

Axis 2: Numerical methods and simulation

This axis is dedicated to the numerical methods and simulation for nonsmooth dynamical systems. As we mentioned in the introduction, the standard numerical methods have been largely improved in terms of accuracy and dissipation properties in the last decade. Nevertheless, the question of the geometric time–integration techniques remains largely open. It constitutes the objective of the first research direction in Sect. 3.3.1. Beside the standard IVP, the question of normal mode analysis for nonsmooth systems is also a research topic that emerged in the recent years. More generally, the goal of the second research direction (Sect. 3.3.2) is to develop numerical methods to solve boundary value problems in the nonsmooth framework. This will serve as a basis for the computation of the stability and numerical continuation of invariants. Finally, once the time-integration method is chosen, it remains to solve the one-step nonsmooth problem, which is, most of time, a numerical optimization problem. In Sect. 3.3.3, we propose to study two specific problems with a lot of applications: the Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC) for optimal control, and Second Order Cone Complementarity Problems (SOCCP) for discrete frictional contact systems. After some possible prototypes in scripting languages (Python and Matlab), we will be attentive that all these developments of numerical methods will be integrated in Siconos.

Geometric time–integration schemes for nonsmooth Initial Value Problem (IVP)

Participants: V. Acary, B. Brogliato, G. James, F. Pérignon

The objective of this research item is to continue to improve classical time–stepping schemes for nonsmooth systems to ensure some qualitative properties in discrete-time. In particular, the following points will be developed

Stability and numerical continuation of invariants

Participants: G. James, V. Acary, A. Tonnelier, F. Pérignon,

By invariants, we mean equilibria, periodic solutions, limit cycles or waves. Our preliminary work on this subject raised the following research perspectives:

Numerical optimization for discrete nonsmooth problems

Participants: V. Acary, M. Brémond, F. Pérignon, B. Brogliato, C. Prieur